*Download (ダウンロード) [#v7926dd2]
#ref(VisualStudioでOpenCVを使う/vcProjectAddingOpenCV.zip, ダウロード/Download (Version1.00))
*What is this? (これは何?) [#vd63e670]
This program adds build settings to vcproj file.
#ref(VisualStudioでOpenCVを使う/vcProjectAddingOpenCV.zip, ダウロード/Download (Version1.00))
-Visual Studio 2010ではプロパティシートのテンプレートが作れるらしい~
Visual Studio 2010 can add settings using property sheet
--が,Visual Studio 2003,2005,2008ではその恩恵を受けられない~
Unfortunately, Visual Studio 2003, 2005 and 2008 can not use property sheet.
I had to manually add settings for OpenCV ''every'' time, so I decided to make a program which adds the settings automatically.
This program provides basic function of property sheet
Specify the vcproj file and the xml file to add. The program will add the settings to the vcproj file.
These are the preset files included in Version 1.00
:OpenCV1_0.xml|OpenCV 1.0
:OpenCV1_1.xml|OpenCV 1.1(中身はOpenCV1_0.xmlと同じ)(Identical to OpenCV1_0.xml)
:OpenCV2_0.xml|OpenCV 2.0
:OpenCV2_1.xml|OpenCV 2.1
:OpenCV2_2.xml|OpenCV 2.2
:OpenCV2_3.xml|OpenCV 2.3.1
:OpenCV2_4.xml|OpenCV 2.4.2
The presets have only basic settings
--基本的にopencv_core,opencv_imgproc,opencv_highgui の3種類のライブラリとしかリンクしません~
Basic means opencv_core, opencv_imgproc and opencv_highgui.
Rewrite or make a new preset file if needed.
The preset files have to be at the same directory as the program.
The program overwrites the original file, but preserve the original version in another file with '.bak' appended on the end of the filename.
Though no change maded, the saved files format is different from the original file. This is due to the TinyXML.
--Visual Studio で変更を加えれば,改行が再び整形されます~
When you modify using Visual Studio, the format will be clean again.
-まだbuggyです.It's still buggy. Use at your own risk.
It only accepts XML file defined by me. You can ''NOT'' use the property sheet made by Visual Studio 2010.
If you wish to build from source code, you need to download TinyXML.
*How do I use? (使い方) [#v6672062]
If you start the program, you'll see the following window.
Specify the full path of vcproj file in the red text box.~
You may specify the file using the blue button or you can directly drag&drop the vcproj file to specify the full path of it.
Choose which version of OpenCV you want to add from the green combo box.~
The detail of each choice is written [[previously>VisualStudioでOpenCVを使う#vd63e670]] in this page.
If both vcproj file and the XML file are specified, push the yellow button shown below.~
The vcproj file is now modified and the program shows ''Done''.~
Unfortunately, no error check is done, so even the program fails, it just shows Done.
*編集履歴 [#g948b1bc]
-2011-10-18 Ver 0.01 とりあえず公開
-2011-11-07 Ver 1.00 バイナリファイルとともに公開
-2011-11-09 説明文を追記.和英両方を書いた
-2012-06-22 プリセットにOpenCV2_4.xml を追加.バイナリファイルは違いなし
-2012-07-05 プリセットファイルOpenCV2_4.xml を2.4.2に対応.includeパスもbuild/install以下に修正.バイナリファイルは変更なし
[[:OpenCV]][[:OpenCV 1.0]][[:OpenCV 1.1]][[:OpenCV 2.0]][[:OpenCV 2.1]][[:OpenCV 2.2]][[:OpenCV 2.3]][[:OpenCV 2.4]]