
Mat findHomography(InputArray src, InputArray dst, int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, OutputArray mask, const int maxIters, const double confidence)



Mat findHomography(InputArray src, InputArray dst, OutputArray mask, int method, double ransacReprojThreshold);














const char inputForegroundImageFilename[] = "file/path/to/opencv/samples/data/box.png"; const char inputBackgroundImageFilename[] = "file/path/to/opencv/samples/data/box_in_scene.png"; const unsigned char kHigh = 255; const double kSigma = 1.0;

const double srcPoints[] = {

	224, 53,1,145,161,1,240,185,1,204,135,1,159,174,1,200,63, 1,236,154,1,229,163,1,170,170,1,
	218,155,1,237,152,1, 83, 54,1,188,166,1, 95,145,1,201,193,1,132,140,1,180,159,1,150, 46,1,
	180,183,1,180,132,1,155,152,1,145, 93,1, 63,132,1, 89,101,1,148, 95,1,228,130,1,210,147,1,
	133,175,1,154, 44,1, 70, 89,1,167,146,1,158,167,1,166,150,1,159, 85,1, 53, 73,1, 37, 91,1,


const double dstPoints[] = {

	243, 53,1,173,249,1,222,269,1,207,239,1,179,257,1,211,199,1,223,250,1,218,256,1,186,256,1,

}; const unsigned int cPoints = 38; const cv::Scalar lineColor = cv::Scalar(kHigh,kHigh,kHigh,0);

void drawCorrespondingLine(const cv::Mat& foreground, const cv::Mat& background, cv::Mat& result, const cv::Mat& src, const cv::Mat& dst, const cv::Mat Mask) {

	using namespace cv;
	int heightDiff = background.rows - foreground.rows;
	if(heightDiff < 0)
		// to connect in one image, foreground image must be equall or shorter than background in height
		result = background.clone();
	Mat object;
	Mat space;
	if(heightDiff > 0)
		// add a blank space below the foreground
		space = Mat(heightDiff, foreground.cols, CV_8UC1);
		vconcat(foreground, space, object);
		// foreground and background are same height
		// just copy the foreground
		object = foreground.clone();
	// concatenate them horizontally
	hconcat(object, background, result);
	// draw lines
	for(int iColumn = 0;iColumn < dst.rows;iColumn++)
		if(Mask.data[iColumn] != 0)
			Point objPoint  = Point((int)src.at<double>(iColumn, 0),                 (int)src.at<double>(iColumn, 1));
			Point backPoint = Point((int)dst.at<double>(iColumn, 0)+foreground.cols, (int)dst.at<double>(iColumn, 1));
			line(result, objPoint, backPoint, lineColor);


void estimateHomography(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int method, const char* windowName) {

	using namespace cv;
	Mat pointMask  = src.clone();
	Mat homography = Mat(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
	// estimate the homography
	homography = findHomography(src, dst, method, 3.0f, pointMask);
	Mat foreground = imread(inputForegroundImageFilename, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
	Mat background = imread(inputBackgroundImageFilename, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
	Mat result     = background.clone();
	Mat whiteImage = Mat().zeros(foreground.size(), CV_8UC1);
	Mat maskImage  = Mat().zeros(background.size(), CV_8UC1);
	Mat correspondence;
	// draw lines between corresponding lines
	drawCorrespondingLine(foreground, background, correspondence, src, dst, pointMask);
	// warp the image based on homography
	warpPerspective(foreground, result, homography, result.size(),INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_TRANSPARENT);
	// resize the mask to show which points are used
	resize(pointMask, pointMask, Size(20, background.rows), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
	pointMask.convertTo(pointMask, CV_8U);
	pointMask *= kHigh;
	// concatenate them horizontally
	std::vector<Mat> inputLists;
	hconcat(inputLists, result);
	// show the image
	imshow(windowName, result);


int main(int argc, char **argv){

	using namespace cv;
	Mat src        = Mat(cPoints, 3, CV_64FC1, (void*)srcPoints);
	Mat dst        = Mat(cPoints, 3, CV_64FC1, (void*)dstPoints);
	// estimate homography using default method
	estimateHomography(src, dst, 0,      "default");
	// estimate homography using RANSAC estimation method
	estimateHomography(src, dst, RANSAC, "RANSAC");
	// estimate homography using LMeDS estimation method
	estimateHomography(src, dst, LMEDS,  "LMeDS");
	// estimate homography using RHO estimation method
	estimateHomography(src, dst, RHO,    "RHO");
	// estimate homography with some noise on the coordinates
	// in order to show the tolerance against the noise
	Mat srcNoiseAdded = src.clone();
	Mat dstNoiseAdded = dst.clone();
	RNG noise;
	// add gaussian noise
	for(int i = 0;i < src.rows;i++)
		srcNoiseAdded.at<double>(i,0) += noise.gaussian(kSigma);
		srcNoiseAdded.at<double>(i,1) += noise.gaussian(kSigma);
		dstNoiseAdded.at<double>(i,0) += noise.gaussian(kSigma);
		dstNoiseAdded.at<double>(i,1) += noise.gaussian(kSigma);
	// estimate the homography using each method
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, RANSAC, "RANSAC");
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, LMEDS,  "LMeDS");
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, RHO,    "RHO");
	// estimate homography with wrong correspondence
	// add ranndom correspondence coordinates and see if estimation can reject them
	srcNoiseAdded = src.clone();
	dstNoiseAdded = dst.clone();
	// fill the noisePart with random coordinates
	// concatenate them using push_back()
	Mat noisePart = Mat(20, 3, CV_64FC1);
	noise.fill(noisePart, RNG::UNIFORM, Mat::zeros(1, 1, CV_64FC1), Mat::ones(1, 1, CV_64FC1) * 200);
	noise.fill(noisePart, RNG::UNIFORM, Mat::zeros(1, 1, CV_64FC1), Mat::ones(1, 1, CV_64FC1) * 200);
	// estimate the homography using each method
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, RANSAC, "RANSAC");
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, LMEDS,  "LMeDS");
	estimateHomography(srcNoiseAdded, dstNoiseAdded, RHO,    "RHO");
	return 0;

} }}



OpenCV 3.0系列

OpenCV 2.4系列


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*1 厳密には等式(=)でなく,相似&mimetex(\(\simeq\

添付ファイル: fileresult000-noEstimation.png 1602件 [詳細] fileresult001-RANSAC.png 1446件 [詳細] fileresult002-LMeD.png 1501件 [詳細] fileresult003-RHO.png 1524件 [詳細] fileresult004.png 1393件 [詳細] fileresult004-RansacWithNoise.png 1527件 [詳細] fileresult005-LmedWithNoise.png 1468件 [詳細] fileresult006-RhoWithNoise.png 1506件 [詳細] fileresult007-RansacWithWrongCorrespondence.png 1394件 [詳細] fileresult008-LmedWithWrongCorrespondence.png 1431件 [詳細] fileresult009-RhoWithWrongCorrespondence.png 1370件 [詳細]

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Last-modified: 2016-01-14 (木) 12:32:40