Converts to/from rotation matrix from/to rotation vector
int cvRodrigues2( CvMat* src, CvMat* dst, CvMat* jacobian = 0);†
Converts the rotation matrix to the rotation vector or converts in opposite way.
The rotation vector is expressed in Quaternion.
- src:CvMat*型のベクトルか行列 (Vector or matrix)
- dst:CvMat*型の行列かベクトル (Matrix or vector)
- jacobian:CvMat*型(3x9) か (9x3)のヤコビアン行列.省略可能 (Jacobian matrix. extra option)
- 成功したら1,それ以外なら0が返る
- Returns 1 when succeeded, otherwise 0
void cv::Rodrigues(Mat src, Mat dst, Mat jacobian = 0)†
- src:Mat型のベクトルが行列 (Vector or matrix, technically InputArray)
- dst:Mat型の行列かベクトル (Matrix or vector, technically OutputArray)
- jacobian:Mat型(3x9)か(9x3)のヤコビアン行列。省略可能 (Jacobian matrix, extra option)
- void なのでなし
- 成功以外ならdstに全部0が埋まって返ってくる
- If not succeeded, dst will be filled with 0
- srcとdstはそれぞれ( (1x3) か (3x1) ) か (3x3)のベクトル,もしくは行列である必要がある.
- srcが行列ならdstはベクトル,srcがベクトルならdstは行列になる.
- 3つの回転角から回転行列を作る場合,基準とする軸の順番を考慮しないと,うまくいかない.
- これを一意に決めるのが「Quaternion表記」である.
- 詳細は省くが,回転行列による変換は1本の軸に依る回転と考えられ,その直線の向きと回転角度だけで表せる.
- 3つの回転角に対して4次元ベクトルで表すのが特徴.(故にQuaternion)
- 3次元ベクトルの比率で基準となる角度が決まり,ベクトルの要素の和で回転角が決まる.
- jacobianにCvMat*型の行列(3x9か9x3)を指定すると,編微分係数行列を返す
- The src or the dst needs to be a vector ( size either (1x3) or (3x1) ), and the other one needs to be a matrix (3x3).
- It doesn't work if both variables are same size.
- The rotation matrix can be expressed by 3 rotation angle for the 3 axises. On the other hand, there's still an ambiguation on from which axis to rotate.
- The ambiguation can be resolved by using "Quaternion".
- See the detail on Wikipedia about Quaternion
- Quaternion expresses the 3 rotation angle by 4 parameters.
- 3 parameters express 1 axis, and the other parameter expresses the rotation angle on the axis.
- In OpenCV, the 3 parameters for the axis are expressed by ratio of the 3 parameters in the vector. 4th parameter is expressed by the sum of the 3 parameters.
- (Option)If the jacobian matrix (size 3x9 of 9x3) is given, this function returns the partial derivative coefficient matrix
CvMat *R = cvCreateMat(3,1,CV_64F);
CvMat *Rx = cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_64F);
cvmSet(R, 0, 0, 30*CV_PI/180);
cvRodrigues2(R, Rx);
- :OpenCV 1.0:OpenCV 1.1
- cv/include/cv.h
- cv/src/cvcalibration.cpp
- :OpenCV 2.3以降
- modules/calib3d/include/opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp
- modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp
ジャンル:OpenCV:OpenCV 1.0:OpenCV 2.3:OpenCV 2.4準拠
%pi =
-->x = (30/180) * %pi
x =
-->y = (10/180) * %pi
y =
-->z = %pi / 2
z =
-->rx = [1 0 0 ; 0 cos(x) -sin(x); 0 sin(x) cos(x)]
rx =
1. 0. 0.
0. 0.8660254 - 0.5
0. 0.5 0.8660254
-->ry = [cos(y) 0 -sin(y); 0 1 0; sin(y) 0 cos(y)]
ry =
0.9848078 0. - 0.1736482
0. 1. 0.
0.1736482 0. 0.9848078
-->rz = [cos(z) sin(z) 0;-sin(z) cos(z) 0 ; 0 0 1]
rz =
6.123D-17 1. 0.
- 1. 6.123D-17 0.
0. 0. 1.
-->R = rz * ry * rx
R =
6.030D-17 0.8660254 - 0.5
- 0.9848078 0.0868241 0.1503837
0.1736482 0.4924039 0.8528685
ans =
-->xx = atan(R(3,2),R(3,3))
xx =
-->yy = -asin(R(3,1))
yy =
- 0.1745329
-->zz = atan(R(2,1),R(1,1))
zz =
- 1.5707963